React Lifecycle State Props
Flatiron School Final Project Rails React Redux
Rails, React, Redux oh my!
Js Scope And Hoisting
Rails Js Project
My Rails w/JS Project
Rails 5 Devise Omniauth Bootstrap Base
Want to use Rails 5, Devise, Omniauth, Omniauth-Facebook, and Bootstrap?
I decided to wrap a base app into a repo here on GitHub that out of the box is ready to add your Facebook App API credentials, and hit the ground running. There are some caveats with regards to the Facebook side of setup but nothing overly difficult.
Rails Down The Tube Project
I decided to continue on with my Sinatra app as previously mentioned and build out a rails app using the idea as a starting point for my Rails portfolio application. Flatiron has been great and I’m looing forward to moving along on my journey to Full Stack Developer.
Downthetube Sinatra Project App
Right after I finished my CLI gem project I began thinking about a project idea that I could build on moving forward through the Full Stack Developer Program. There are several projects required to complete the curriculum and I really want to end up with something that could be turned loose into the wild for the public to use.
Fake News Cli Gem Project
My CLI Gem Project
cli.rb controls the workflow of the gem providing various command line interaction methods.
Ruby Cheat Sheets
I will continually be adding to this blog post which will provide myself and hopefully others a quick reference to various cheats or quick references to all things Ruby. If you have a link to a resource that needs to be here please feel free to message me a link.
Whats Happening
What’s happening in Flatiron land
It’s been quite the month of learning via Flatiron School on I am keeing in line with my goal of completion within 4 months with an added sub-goal if you will of completion by the end of 2017. As of today I’m working through the Object Oriented Ruby portion of the cirriculum and it’s coiming along great!
Why I decided to learn software development
A little over a decade ago I stumbled upon internet marketing which led to the need for a website and ultimately to learning HTML and CSS. As I started down the road I found Drupal and from there it has been a fun ride over the last 9 years.
My new blog!
Welcome to my new blog. I decided on Jekyll Now available on GitHub.