Ruby Cheat Sheets

I will continually be adding to this blog post which will provide myself and hopefully others a quick reference to various cheats or quick references to all things Ruby. If you have a link to a resource that needs to be here please feel free to message me a link.

String Escape Sequences

Escape What it does
\ Backslash ()
' Single-quote (‘)
" Double-quote (“)
\a ASCII bell (BEL)
\b ASCII backspace (BS)
\f ASCII formfeed (FF)
\n ASCII linefeed (LF)
\r ASCII Carriage Return (CR)
\t ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)
\uxxxx Character with 16-bit hex value xxxx (Unicode only)
\v ASCII vertical tab (VT)
\ooo Character with octal value ooo
\xhh Character with hex value hh

Truth Terms

Characters Phrase
&& (and)
|| (or)
! (not)
!= (not equal)
== (equal)
>= (greater-than-equal)
<= (less-than-equal)

Truth Tables

NOT true?
!false true
!true false
OR(||) true?
true || false true
true || true true
false || true true
false || false false
AND(&&) true?
true && false false
true && true true
false && true false
false && false false
NOT OR true?
not (true || false) false
not (true || true) false
not (false || true) false
not (false || false) true
NOT AND true?
!(true && false) true
!(true && true) false
!(false && true) true
!(false && false) true
!= true?
1 != 0 true
1 != 1 false
0 != 1 true
0 != 0 false
== true?
1 == 0 false
1 == 1 true
0 == 1 false
0 == 0 true
Written on November 9, 2017